Sustainability and Lovingness to Transform Realities: Dom Bosco Institute, Brazil
On February 21, the Dom Bosco Institute held its monthly Technical Parade. During this training, the educators from the Vila Paulistana and Bom Retiro Units met at the headquarters. At the opening , Father Emerson Medeiros, CEO, reflected with the educators on influencing . Using the example of Jesus and a video of Malak, the little girl from Syria who moved everyone, Father Emerson said that we need to be constantly encouraged to do good, so that we can also encourage others to take the same steps of faith. “Sometimes, we will reach many, not always everyone, because we also depend on internal movement. Encouragement influences, but we also need to assume this transformation for ourselves,” said the Director.
The training continued with the group from the Green Alliance of Dom Bosco , bringing Ionilton Aragão from the Varre Vila project.
The movement, which has been going on for 13 years, aims to work on: Environmental health; Popular education; Sustainable consumption and the 5's of Sustainability. Aragão brought the group before and after photos of the movement passing through communities such as Favela do Gato, the Campos Elíseos region, Vila Nova and many others. He showed that through practical actions and conversations, with listening and love, it is possible to change people's sometimes “addicted” behavior of discarding waste anywhere. The actions consist of: guidance, street meetings and redefining spaces. As a curriculum, the group brings:
40 thousand tons of rubble and bulky items disposed of correctly;
Articulation for the implementation of 3 Ecopoints in the city of São Paulo;
Mobilization for an itinerant system of collection of RCC and bulky items
More than 200 direct jobs;
300 lectures and training meetings with partners
Lectures at Universities across the country;
Theme of 2 End of Course Papers and 1 Master's Thesis;
Object of Research at UFES (Federal University of Espírito Santo);
100 partners from various segments of civil society;
2,000 street meetings;
More than 300 irregular disposal points overcome;
Squares, sidewalks, courts and public spaces recovered and revitalized;
Several sporting and cultural events; -4 Photography exhibitions by the project work team;
Mobilization and construction of 2 living spaces, a vegetable garden and a living pharmacy; -Book “Se Essa Vila Fosse Minha” and exhibition at Galeria Olido;
More than 1,000 bricklayers who are partners in the project;
Creation of the 10-year Goals Plan in Vila Santa Inês and much more!
“The world we dream of is possible, it is real and it starts in your neighborhood. Our desire is for everyone to have access to quality urban cleaning, organized squares, streets and sidewalks occupied by people. We know it is possible and we will work tirelessly to make it happen!”
To conclude his speech, Aragão gave the class personalized waste bags by Loga and the Varre Vila Project.
Aliança Quiz
The AV group took a quiz with everyone, with questions focused on sustainability, testing the group's knowledge at the question and answer table. At the end, everyone took home a lollipop and the responsibility to make commitments such as correct disposal, for example.
Dom Bosco Shelter
After breakfast, the Dom Bosco Shelter team, which is part of the CAE Special Reception Center, visited IDB with Rafael Bressan, Coordinator, Viviane Brito, Social Worker, and Sérgio, a resident of the shelter and currently enrolled in the Graphic Design course at CEDESP Bom Retiro. Sérgio explained how the shelter works, which offers space for recyclable material collectors, and inspired everyone with his strength, resilience, and hope for better days.
Final tip from the Verdinhos and prize
To conclude, Larissa Borges, from the Verdinhos team, brought some book recommendations about habits. Larissa addressed the importance of habits, focusing on the topic of waste: light, water and energy in general. The group also raffled off some eco-bags for the participants.
HR Moment
In addition to the introductions of the new employees, Laryssa Ferreira, responsible for HR, also spoke about the change in the date and day of the week of the EXPO, which will take place on a Friday instead of Saturday as usual. The reason is to offer better access for visiting the schools, where the future IDB beneficiaries are. The change is aimed at attracting new users, and families and the surrounding community continue to be very welcome, so the activities will end at 7:00 p.m. on the day.
During the morning break, applause was given to those celebrating their birthdays this month. After lunch, the teams split up for sector meetings.