Don Bosco College, Yelagiri Hills, India organized a Green Hands Workshop - Surabi

Don Bosco College, Yelagiri Hills in India strives to promote environmental consciousness and sustainability among students. Each of the five eco clubs – AYUSH, Dense Forest, Green Hills, Clean Hills, and Blue Cross – plays a vital role in contributing to the overall goal of creating a more environmentally friendly campus.

The animation by Fr. Arokiya Dass SDB from Surabi served as an informative and engaging introduction to the importance of environmental consciousness and sustainability. After the animation, it's wonderful that each eco club had the opportunity to showcase their activities and initiatives.


Fr. Arokiya Dass SDB animated a presentation for students on the theme "Journey towards a greener future." The focus was on educating students about the importance of environmental protection and sustainability. Through the use of animation, students were actively engaged, attentively watching and learning about ways to contribute to a more eco-friendly future. The presentation aimed to inspire awareness and action among students regarding environmental issues.

AYUSH Club Presentation:

AYUSH club members presented their club's activities related to eco-friendly practices and health-conscious living - Uses and importance of herbal plants and how to cultivate in our home itself.

Dense Forest Club Presentation:

Dense Forest club members showcased their efforts in promoting biodiversity and conservation. Activities included tree planting, wildlife awareness campaigns, or information about local flora and fauna.

Green Hills Club Presentation:

Green Hills club members highlighted their initiatives in preserving and beautifying the natural landscape. Demonstrations included gardening, landscaping, or recycling projects.

Clean Hills Club Presentation:

Clean Hills club members discussed their projects focusing on waste management and cleanliness. Activities included waste segregation demonstrations, cleanup drives, or recycling campaigns.

Blue Cross Club Presentation:

Blue Cross club members shared their work in animal welfare and promoting a cruelty-free environment. Demonstrations included discussions on pet adoption, animal care, or awareness about wildlife conservation.

Interactive Session:

This event not only educated students about environmental issues but also inspired them to take an active role in making a positive impact. It fostered a sense of responsibility and community engagement, creating a more environmentally conscious student body at Don Bosco College.