Salesian Eco-Encounter at Ecuador University

From the Area of Reason and Faith, with the animation of the Area of Vivencia of the University Pastoral and the support of the ASU ECOSALES Groups of the Salesian Polytechnic University of Guayaquil, Ecuador, the "Salesian ECO-Encounter" is born from an academic proposal "From the transhumanist subject to the ecological spirituality".

 It represents a space of encounter and learning where the ecological conscience, the social responsibility and the Salesian values are fomented to the students of the subject of Philosophical-Theological Anthropology.

 These days suggest a space that seeks the union of education, sustainability and spirituality, creating an environment conducive to the integral development of students.

 For this reason, the Cerro Blanco Protected Forest was chosen to live this academic experience. Also, it is related to the following Sustainable Development Goals: 3- Health and Well-being, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, 13- Climate Action, and 15- Life of Terrestrial Ecosystems.

 In addition to the learning outcomes of unit 3 of the AFT subject "Identify the human being as an integral being.” And finally, we leave you our social network as a group ASU ECOSALES