Salesians involved for the second consecutive year in the “Sustainable Uruguay Expo”

“What kind of world do we want to leave after us? What are we doing to look after our Common Home?” With these questions in mind, the Salesian St Joseph Province of Uruguay (URU) has reaffirmed its commitment to integral ecology; and from 6-9 June took part in  the“Sustainable Uruguay Expo”, an event organised by the Ministry for the environment, offering a valuable testimony which we share as follows.

The URU Province's Integral Ecology Commission, animating the Integral Ecology "Community Commitment and Participatory Action" guideline of the Province's Overall Provincial Plan, organised and coordinated the involvement of 9 houses, including schools and social works, of the Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in the fair.

The event was also an opportunity to present some projects and experiences with an ecological approach. "It was an incredible experience of exchange and connection, where we were able to present some of what is done in our institutions," said one of the participants.

The Sustainable Uruguay Expo seeks to make visible and promote initiatives and actions for sustainability and care for creation. The four-day event offered many different proposals, including talks, conferences, debates, workshops, exhibitions and games, allowing participants to learn first-hand about Uruguay's efforts on the road to sustainability.

Bringing together entrepreneurs, companies, state organisations, civil society and educational centres, this event enabled citizens to learn about projects and initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment and help generate social and cultural change. The aim is to promote environmental awareness and stimulate the involvement of citizens and different sectors in actions that ensure sustainable development.

Students from each Salesian house demonstrated their commitment to environmental responsibility by presenting their actions and their concern for themselves, others and the planet, thus achieving positive change.

Participation in the Sustainable Uruguay Expo makes it clear that it is possible to make changes to build a more equitable and sustainable society for all.