Salesianos Catemu in Chile collects beverage caps for a sustainable future!

During Thursday's Buenos Días, the environmental commitment of the students at Salesianos Catemu in Chile was highlighted through the bottle cap recycling program. This initiative not only seeks to contribute to the care of the environment, but also to instill in young people the importance of social responsibility.

On this occasion, the 7th grade took first place, which stood out for its impressive contribution by collecting the largest number of bottle caps during the recycling campaign, thus receiving the well-deserved diploma for its commitment to sustainability. It was followed by 1°MA in second place and 1°MB in third place, who also received their corresponding diploma.

The award not only celebrates the amount of caps collected, 25 sacks - 11 more than last year - but also the positive impact this action has on our environment. The collected lids were delivered to the Clownrisas Aconcagua Foundation, thus contributing to waste reduction and promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

This achievement highlights the commitment of the educational community of the Agricultural School of Catemu with the preservation of the environment and the formation of responsible citizens. We congratulate all the students of the 7th grade for their dedication and enthusiasm in this noble cause. Let's continue working together for a greener and more sustainable future!