Inclusive Educational Native Forest has its first trees planted

With the certification of environmental care, which CEST achieved in March 2023, the idea of innovating in environmental education for the entire educational community was established. Thus, from the end of 2023, the creation of an inclusive educational native forest in Villa Pinardi was planned, to promote conservation, education and inclusion in the territory of Callejones.  

On May 31 of this year, a group of 20 third and fourth year students participated in a significant experience to plant 20 native trees, with which the project begins. For this, the land was cleared, the ground was leveled, weeds were removed and the planting site was organized, where each species would go. Quillay, Peumo, Molle and Canelo trees were planted. The latter in danger of extinction.

Student Dylan Morales from 4°C of the Electricity Specialty participated in this activity, and pointed out that “we are all capable of taking care of the planet; We all can, I found the experience very enriching, it teaches us many values, how to take care of the land, know how to work the land, protect and conserve.”  

Dylan said that young people can take care of the environment from the area that each one knows, from their specialty in electricity, using energy in a good way, using reliable sources and encouraging talks and teaching children the good use of electricity.

The science teacher, Nicolás Ulloa, in charge of the project at Sede Sur, pointed out that the implementation of this educational native forest "is an initiative that combines environmental conservation, education, social inclusion and community well-being."

He added that its importance lies in the ability to inspire care for the environment, promote environmental awareness, encourage inclusion and strengthen ties between the school community and its natural environment.

The Forest is in its first phase of implementation. The CEST Environmental Care Committee will continue in this work, since it still needs to advocate for the prevention of waste accumulation and the coordination for irrigation and first care, since the inauguration of this new environmental space is planned for the 12th. of July.

Villa Pinardi is a retreat, conference and recreation house for students and the educational community in general, located in the Callejones sector, about 13 km by road east of Talca.