Revitalizing Spaces with an Integral Ecological Vision: The Weliwen Project at the Silva Henríquez Catholic University

At the Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Lo Cañas Campus, Chile, students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, which includes the courses of Speech Therapy, Nursing and Kinesiology, have undertaken an inspiring project that embodies integral ecology and the pedagogy of love. Under the guidance of their courses in phytotherapy, therapeutic gardening and the production of phytoproducts, they have transformed an old Salesian winery, once used to make mass wine, into a vibrant herbal salon.

This renovated space not only serves as a classroom for practical teaching of gardening and species propagation, but also as an environment where students can connect deeply with the land and nature. Through these field experiences, they apply the Salesian preventive model, integrating academic knowledge with sustainable and ecological practices.

The project has come to life under the name “Weliwen”, which in Mapudungun means “new dawn”. As its name suggests, this space has become a symbol of rebirth and reconnection with life. The students have taken the lead in creating medicinal gardens and vegetable gardens, which not only beautify the environment, but also contribute to the recovery and revitalization of the ecological space.

Each week, the progress made on these projects reflects the students' commitment to sustainability and the regeneration of spaces. This project not only enriches their academic training, but also represents a significant contribution to the community and the environment, demonstrating that education can be a powerful agent of change in building a greener and more conscious future.

"Weliwen" is a living example of how the integration of education, spirituality and ecological commitment can lead to a true encounter with life and nature.