Continental Youth Exchange of Eco-Experiences

Seventeen FMA and SDB provinces in Latin America have been participating in a continental program financed by the German government and carried out by the Don Bosco Mission of Bonn, funded by the German Government called "Sustainable Latin America".

From Argentina, the Ceferino Namuncurá Province is participating through the Casa Salesiana La Piedad, chosen for the project as a Pilot Educational Environment (AEP).

Among the actions carried out in this AEP we can mention:

- Measurement of the carbon footprint in this Salesian house (with the advice of the UTN),

- Actions to mitigate the carbon footprint (through the development of waste separators for various allied institutions, planting waste separators for various allied institutions, solidarity planting, etc.), and

- Training course for environmental youth leaders

In this regard, in La Piedad, 200 young people underwent annual training in environmental leadership.

As part of this process, two young people participated in a continental exchange with other young people from El Salvador and Chile, resulting in a very meaningful experience for the participants.

To watch the event, you can go to: