A Celebration of Eco-Christmas

Macau, China

In order to celebrate the birthday of our Saviour, all teachers, students, parents and staff are warmly welcomed to join the construction of the stable. All of us help to gather the materials for the construction of the stable, for instance, water bottles, sand and rock, cardboard paper, students’ old book cover, aluminium cans, fabric and leaves. The stable will be built with recycled water bottles for the main structure, while the foundation will be built with sand and rocks extracted from the school’s old building. This expresses the arrival of the sacred family to the new school building. Students help to insert the sand into the bottle and cut grasses out of the old book pages. Some lower primary parents help cut stars out of the aluminium cans. Teachers then help to put all the stars together and make it into a large and shiny one. The designer of the painting is a student from P6. Old clothing is collected from staff and students to make a piece of patchwork linen. The patchwork linen represents the joy and happiness of baby Jesus befalls all families. Families practice good deeds as a gift to baby Jesus. Although other students did not join the process, they all enjoy the stable and pray in front of it.

With the help of each of you from the IS family, we witness the joy and encouragement from everyone as the stable emerged into reality. Each piece of material used illustrated a token of our hearts. ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone’ (Matthew 21:33-43,45-46) helps us reflect on each individual’s importance while building the stable. Do not underestimate yourself. Have faith in God and serve our duties with joy and love. Hope that all of us can be united as one in the love of Jesus Christ.