Exploring Science and Nature in Science and Technology Week at CEST, Chile

On Wednesday, October 25, within the framework of Science and Technology Week, both headquarters of our institution had the privilege of receiving valuable talks with a focus on environmental issues, managed by Nicolás Ulloa Ravello, science teacher at CEST (Centro Educativo Salesianos Talca). These conferences not only enriched our students, but also contributed to promoting ecological awareness in our educational community. In the theater of the northern headquarters, attendees had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of nature with a talk by CONAF (National Forestry Corporation). Don Leonardo Mauricio Cáceres Rencoret, accompanied by teacher Carla Farías, guides basic education students in a conversation about "Natural Resources and the Prevention of Forest Fires." His words resonated deeply with young people, inspiring them to take an active role in protecting our forests from devastating wildfires. 

Meanwhile, in the multimedia of the southern headquarters, the SAG (Agricultural and Livestock Service) shared a valuable perspective on "Protected Wildlife and its Ecological Role, as well as its Importance in Public Health." Don Rodrigo Villalobos, accompanied by Professor Nicolás Ulloa. presented this talk aimed at student environmental delegates and representatives of the first to fourth year directives. His presentation highlighted the interdependence between wildlife and public health, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present. In short, this memorable day underscores our commitment to environmental education and the protection of our environment. The valuable lessons shared by CONAF and SAG will galvanize our community to be responsible stewards of our environment.