Ecological Brigade promoted the separation of waste during Recycling Week

Within the framework of Recycling Week, which was held from May 13 to 17, the Ecological Brigade of the basic education modality of the Centro Educativo Salesianos Talca, Chile, was promoting the separation of waste and recycling in the spaces within the CEST, as It has differentiated containers for paper, plastic and cardboard. The students educated the school community on how to use them correctly.  

They participated in cleaning days and waste campaigns within the classroom, which not only improve the school environment, but also strengthen the sense of responsibility and teamwork among students.

The mission of the Ecological Brigades at CEST is to lay the foundations for a more sustainable society and their work impacts the formation of responsible citizens committed to the environment.

The Week's activities concluded with a meeting with Professor Carla Farías, in charge of the Brigade at the North Headquarters, held on May 17, where they evaluated and planned the next recycling activities at the CEST.