Month of May Rosary and our Planet

- Leann D'Souza 

During the month of May, I attend the community rosary in my Church and in my local small Christian community, and a rosary which is conducted for all the residents in my building. Our services begin with adorning the grotto with candles, incense and flowers, singing hymns to Our Lady, praying the rosary followed by savoring some delicious snacks, playing games and enjoying a time of togetherness. One of my benevolent neighbors often takes the responsibility of sponsoring snacks and also cleaning and lighting up the Cross where we gather to say the rosary. After the rosary, she distributed a delicious snack box with cake, chickpeas(a traditional food served after rosary in India), a chicken roll and a bottle of cold drink. While enjoying the snack box, I realized we could have a better way of serving food that could minimize waste. 

I’ve put together some useful tips on how we can make this cherished tradition sustainable - 

Let’s be mindful in our celebrations while we pray to our Blessed Mother for our common home!