Promoting Clean Energy at the Salesian Industrial School San Ramón, La Serena, Chile

The curricular updating of the school's secondary technical-professional education (EMTP) has been aligned with the requirements of Chilean industry and at the same time with global challenges such as the reduction of polluting gases through the use of clean energies. In this sense, the Salesian Industrial School San Ramón seeks to be at the forefront and therefore has promoted the use of clean energy such as solar energy with the implementation of a photovoltaic plant. At the same time, wind energy is promoted, which is very present in the region in parks with turbines driven by the wind. With the same objective, an electromobility workshop was added in 2023 with an electric car that does not emit polluting gases, which provides new skills to present and future technicians, who thus assume a responsible attitude towards the environment in their work. 

This has also facilitated the certification of specialties, which provides more opportunities for graduates.