Organise an Intertidal walk 

Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash 

An intertidal walk is a unique and educational activity that can provide a fun way to learn about the ocean and the intertidal zone, which is the area that is exposed during low tide and covered by water during high tide.

During an intertidal walk, participants can explore the rocky shorelines, sandy beaches, or mudflats and observe the diverse plant and animal life that inhabit these areas. Some common intertidal organisms include crabs, mussels, sea stars, anemones, and seaweeds.

It's important to plan an intertidal walk with safety in mind. Always check the tide schedule before heading out and plan to visit during low tide. Wear sturdy shoes that can handle wet and slippery surfaces and be cautious of slippery rocks and waves. It's also important to respect the intertidal habitat by avoiding trampling on plants and animals and leaving no trace behind.

Intertidal walks can also be a great opportunity to learn about the impact of human activity on the ocean and marine life. Participants can discuss ways to reduce plastic pollution, support sustainable fishing practices, and promote ocean conservation efforts.

Overall, an intertidal walk can be an engaging and enlightening activity for all ages and a great way to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the ocean.