Environment delegates participated in the public account of the Ministry of the Environment

A delegation of students, members of the South Campus Ecological Brigade of Centro Educativo Salesianos Talca, Chile, participated in the 2023 public account of the Ministry of the Environment, which took place on May 16, at the Provincial Theater of Curicó; invited by the environment department, within the framework of the outstanding work that the CEST has carried out in the work for environmental education and care of the common home.

These are the students Pablo Albornoz, Joaquín Barrios, Nicolás Bravo, Martín Farías, Leandro Guajardo, Erick Herrera, Sebastián Poblete, Gaspar Valenzuela, Nehemías Norambuena, in the company of teacher Nicolás Ulloa and the guardian María Gabriela Espinoza.

In the public account led by Minister Maisa Rojas, a space for dialogue and exchange of opinions between authorities and citizens was offered, where CEST students participated. Advances in environmental policies, the implementation of new regulations for environmental protection, and strategies to confront climate change were highlighted. Minister Rojas emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government and the community to achieve sustainable development.

In addition, local initiatives were presented that seek to improve the quality of air and water in the Maule Region, as well as educational projects aimed at raising awareness among new generations about the importance of taking care of our planet. The participation of citizens was essential to enrich the debate and provide diverse perspectives to the proposed solutions.

The public account of the Ministry of the Environment not only met its objective of transparency and accountability, but also strengthened the commitment of all those present to the protection and conservation of the environment. These types of meetings are essential to build a greener and more sustainable future for everyone.