Coexistence In Nature

The 4th grade students of Salesianos Úbeda, Spain visit a nature classroom located in the heart of the Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Natural Park.

 This activity aims to raise awareness about the need to protect biodiversity and to alert about the need to preserve it.  We also want to highlight the beauty of the natural environment of our land, its flora and fauna.

 In our school we believe that we must encourage love for nature to educate future adults committed to its care and, therefore, we must propose actions and changes that favor our relationship with the environment.

 During this activity our students have refreshed themselves in the clear waters of our rivers, breathed the clean air of our mountains, caressed the breeze of the valleys, embraced their trees and have been surprised by the different species that live in this wonderful land. For two days the students of 4th grade of Primary Education have been able to smell, feel, caress, see... in short, connect with nature.

 Caring for Mother Earth is, first and foremost, an individual responsibility that leads to a collective responsibility and commitment in which each of us has a role to play.  "If we feel intimately united with all that exists, sobriety and care will spontaneously spring forth" (cf. Laudato si' 11).