Launch of the report on Circular and Environmental Economy by the Salesians in Catemu

On 5 June, on the occasion of World Environment Day, the collaborators of the Central House, representatives of the pastoral educational community of the Agricultural School of Catemu and Federico Lagi, Project Manager of the Don Bosco Mission Office in Bonn, Germany, met virtually to participate in the launch of the report "Circular and environmental economy". The meeting was organised and led by the Office of Planning and Development in the Salesian Province of Chile (CIL), led by Fr Néstor Muñoz and Elizabeth Vivanco. "As you can see, we are 100% committed to the care of our Common Home, a priority of our Congregation, included in the Overall Provincial Plan and we want to continue taking steps, one of which is what the Agricultural School of Catemu has achieved," said Ms. Vivanco. From Germany, Federico Lagi added: "In April I was in Catemu and it was a very nice experience; I saw what they did, which is wonderful and now everyone can see it." The audiovisual work, achieved over two years by the Caetera Tolle Multimedia Centre of the CIL Province Communications Sector, shows the realisation of four projects that strengthen the efficiency regarding the agro-ecological impact in the daily work of the Salesian school, which improves the quality of life and learning of its students and the entire educational community. Fr Néstor Muñoz, Director of the Planning and Development Office, said: "Today the Catemu school is very forward-looking thanks to these sustainability projects that will undoubtedly make a contribution to the school and the community. We are children of a father who dreamed and I am convinced day after day that dreams can become reality."

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