Student Leaders Pledge to be the Friends of Nature in Bangalore

In collaboration with Jyoti Nivas College Bangalore, India, the Eco Pals (Friends of Nature) organized a day- long workshop on eco-leadership for the student leaders of Jyoti Nivas Degree College on 3 August 2024.

Team Eco Pals, led by Fr. Anil D’sa SDB, conducted activity-based sessions on caring for the earth for 300 student leaders of the college. The leaders pledged to take care of nature with the opportunities they have as leaders of various associations. The full-day session was designed to build bonds between the leaders and create a favorable attitude towards nature and humanity. The Eco Pals tagline “Small actions, big difference” echoed throughout the session, and students explored the possibilities of small actions that could create a big difference for nature and humanity.

The workshop culminated in all the students becoming members of Eco Pals (Friends of Nature) by planting a plant each. Saplings were distributed to all the students. Team Eco Pals assisted the students by motivating them to be nature-friendly leaders.

Eco Pals is a member of the Don Bosco Green Alliance.