DBGA is now a member of the Faith for Earth Youth Council!

A climate change march with interfaith participants in Vatican City in 2015. Photo by: Mat McDermott / GreenFaith / CC BY-NC-ND

The United Nations Environment Program’s Faith for Earth coalition approached the Don Bosco Green Alliance to nominate a member for the Faith for Earth Youth council. I, Leann D’souza, was nominated by the DBGA and subsequently selected as a member for the council.

The Faith for Earth Coalition is a global platform to facilitate partnerships with faith leaders, faith-based organizations and people of faith at global, regional and local levels in order to inspire, empower and strengthen action and behavioral changes towards achieving the SGDs.

The Youth Council is composed of young faith leaders and members of youth movements advocating for the protection of the Earth.

I have a strong conviction that when people having a common goal come together a greater impact comes forwards. Knowing that 80% of the world’s population  are affiliated with a faith, religion, and the values, behaviors and actions it entails, have a fundamental impact on the lives of most individuals and communities worldwide.

It’s a privilege with immense responsibility to be part of the Faith for Earth Youth Council. The first meeting that had the election of the chair and co-chair provided a powerful testament of the strength and potential we hold collectively as a Council. I look forward to harnessing the capacity and power and bringing it back to the Don Bosco Green Alliance. Holding to that I must keep planting seeds, not knowing how but yet trusting that it can take root in an unprecedented way.