EcoDesafío Fair: Promoting Water Efficiency and Water Management

Friday, May 17, Salesian Agricultural School of Catemu, Chile, was the scene of the EcoDesafío Fair, an educational event organized by the institution Eficagua, focused on water efficiency and water management as strategies to address climate change. This fair was managed through the school's science department, led by teacher Mónica Escobar, and aimed at students in the third year of secondary school.

The day was divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. During the theoretical session, the topics were addressed by different institutions. Fortalece Pyme Aconcagua presented its digitalization program for the agricultural sector, INIA shared its research and technologies that contribute to better water management, and Eficagua offered a regenerative vision of the future, highlighting the savings and benefits that can be achieved with efficient water management.

Cristian Estrada, representative of Eficagua, explained that various activities are being carried out in San Felipe, Catemu, Quillota, Viña del Mar and Valparaíso, all focused on how to address climate change from different areas. His intervention highlighted the importance of adopting sustainable and technological practices to contribute positively to our environment.

The second part of the fair took place in the courtyard, where practical demonstrations were held. Asdrones showcased its drone technologies, Regante presented its application to optimize irrigation management, and M-System shared how sensors and artificial intelligence contribute to better water management. These demonstrations allowed students to interact directly with the innovations and understand their practical application in the agricultural field.

Professor Mónica Escobar, who led the organization of the event, was satisfied with the development of the fair and highlighted the importance of maintaining ties with research institutions. “Activities such as the EcoDesafío Fair bring new knowledge to our young people, enriching their education and better preparing them for the environmental challenges of the future,” she said.

The EcoDesafío Fair was a resounding success, providing students with an invaluable opportunity to learn about water efficiency and water management, while promoting environmental awareness and the use of advanced technologies. We thank Eficagua and all participating institutions for their collaboration and commitment to sustainable education.